Thursday, November 25, 2010

Fall Regimen

fall from the beginning of autumn, through Chushu, White Dew, Autumnal Equinox, dew, frost, to the beginning of winter until the day before. March
all mature in autumn, vegetation Depression, the Four Seasons by the Sun negative, this season of how a living? \- gas to clear, as early as lying to get up early, and chicken fear Hing, so Chi tranquility to slow autumn punishment, convergence
, the autumn air level, without external chi, so that lung clearance,ice hockey jerseys the air of autumn should be, the raising of revenue also. inverse of the injured lung, as gluttonous drainage in winter, and few instructions from Tibet. \Autumn Jinji, to air purges the mere mention of all things, people should keep early hours to avoid chill of the air have a negative impact on the human body. Keeping in good health ideology to quiet, peaceful,nhl hockey jerseys close air gradually to adapt to the cold autumn weather outside will not let Chi, keep quiet lung, which is nursed back to harvest the gas sense. If you violate this principle, it will damage the lung, in the winter of the occurrence of persistent diarrhea small, so that the body's ability to adapt to the potential reduction in winter.
Autumn is the transition of summer and winter transfer season, and gradually from the cold winter, that is the beginning of the autumn decline yang, so that Generally speaking, people yang enough to heat the air to help Xiatian Yang Yang to warm yang,mac makeup outlet sex fluid enough people can fall and winter collection with the gas to conserve sex fluid. Although the cold autumn and winter approaching, the clothing to gradually add, not about adding too much, saying:
saying goes: \blame careful not to catch cold. \The hands of the elderly poor peripheral circulation such as cold easily understood, it should keep warm. The so-called
autumn should cool some of the anti-Year heat, and this is not the so-called to the climate anomaly, which in particular should be extra careful to avoid feelings of plague. Autobiography, especially the elderly can not be strong and not smooth body and weather changes. The so-called
autumn days with high air is crisp, dry climate. Dry autumn of the main gas,insanity dvd should be \Qiuzao of the gas has warm and cool of the points, as long sun without rain, violent autumn sun, which is a warm dry nature; deep early autumn cold, westerly wind chill, this is a cool dry nature. Whether warm, cool, always dry skin, body fluids, the lack of its features. Therefore, the elderly should fall to less suitable bath to prevent dry skin, occurs Shatter library card. Since the fall of autumn, dry climate, so prone to cough or dry cough without sputum, dry mouth embolism, it is best to eat in Sydney, Pear, raw food can be clear fire, steamed to Yin, Li Gao autumn conditions may wish to eat, Yin Yangyinqingfei ointment lungs of the goods, both for the benefits of anti-dry.
listed a large number of fruits in autumn, with particular attention to \After the beginning of autumn, whether or cantaloupe melon, snake melon can not eat your intention, otherwise it will damage the spleen and stomach yang. In general, a healthy variety of fruits such as apples contain a variety of vitamins, their sexual taste are biased cold, consumption should be moderate, not your vertical abdominal intended to prevent harm to the spleen and stomach yang.

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