Tuesday, November 23, 2010

spring and summer disease should drink juice detoxification

spring and summer, due to climate changes, the virus spread. In this season, everyone should \In fact, they do not have high-level supplements,ice hockey jerseys does not have to poultry meat, delicacies, as long as readily available homemade vegetables, also can play a \For example:
carrot, rich in vitamin C, mustard oil, help digestion and promote intestinal peristalsis; also contains large amounts of lignin, can improve the body's phagocytic cells nhl hockey jerseys (phagocytic cells of pathogenic microorganisms) of the activity, enhance the body resistance. TCM believes that there is carrot digestion, Shun Qi, phlegm, asthma treatment, detoxification, diuretic and other effects.
spinach, rich in nutrients and vitamin B *** . In leaves,insanity dvd the protein content than the same amount of tomatoes more than *** times higher calcium content *** *** times higher than the tomatoes. Spinach with heat and cooling blood, urine benefits, detoxification effect. Take *** *** *** grams of water spinach, white radish *** , wash clean, cut into very fine,mac cosmetics outlet pounded, juice, with honey and mix thoroughly, take *** times a day, or to Jiantang consumption, with the Liver Xiehuo, anti-virus, improve the body immunity. In the spring and summer for more than consumption.

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