Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Alan King in the history of third-deserved record of 15 set numerous career writing

Beijing February 11, will be at home against the Boston Celtics rival Los Angeles Lakers,nhl hockey, This is mine - Allen, it would be extraordinary significance of a match, because he most likely in the games than Reggie - Miller, a third of NBA history, the number of balls hit up the third king. So far, Ray - 2559 Allen has hit three-pointers in mind, from the history of the first Reggie - Miller's 2560 ball is only a step away, so far this season as he averaged 2.3 three-point shooting speed in the face when the Lakers tied and beyond Miller, is not difficult.
fact, Ray - Allen not have to wait that day, in his 15 seasons of his career there,mac makeup, he has proved himself able to stand on top of the league's third master. String and a string of record, confirmed that
third of three elected king of the regular season, NBA first-ever
- Ray Allen was in the 01-02 season, 05-06 ,02-03 season and become the NBA season, when the season most players hit three-pointers, one-third of his regular season three times elected to the king, but also get the history of NBA season winning the highest number of one-third of a king. Especially the 05-06 season, Ray - Ray Allen hit a total of 269 write pointers, shooting up 41.2%, is the history of the NBA's single-season hits record.
- Ray Allen had a career total of three teams was removed from 96 years into the league, to the middle of the season 02-03, Ray - Ray Allen are playing for the Bucks, played for the team in the period, a total of Allen 1051 three-pointers hit the ball, team history is still the team's first three-point shooting several people. He then moved to Seattle (now Oklahoma), in effect, but it is four and a half seasons to hit 869 three-pointers in mind, the third in team history; 07-08 season, Allen joined the Celtics and processing Bennett, Pierce formed a triumvirate, which between three and a half seasons, he hit 639 three-pointers, column 4 in team history the team.
on April 15, 2002, when Ray - Allen wearing a Milwaukee Bucks jersey, play against the Charlotte Hornets in the game, Allen hit 8 three-pointers half ball, which also Bucks tied his two teammates, Tim - Thomas and Michael - Reed's record to become the most NBA three-point shot half the players.
playoffs prominent military exploits, the Finals history of 8 three-pointers the best
write on the addition to the regular season record of three-pointers, the Ray - Allen exploits in the playoffs is also prominent on the journey, twice in the playoffs, he hit a single field of 9 three-pointers, and Rex - Chapman and Vince - Vince Carter one, tied for third playoff king. In 2001,mac brushes, Allen led the Milwaukee Bucks and Philadelphia 76ers meet in the Eastern Conference finals, which in the Eastern Conference finals of the sixth, Allen H single game record of 9 under the third, helping the Bucks to a 110-100 over 76 people, the big pull for the 3-3 score; and the series, Allen hit a total of 28 three-pointers, tied for 7 game series in the history of NBA three-point shot the largest number of records. In April 2009, the Celtics and the Bulls meet in the first round, in the first round of that epic battle inside, the two sides battle 7 games, including 4 games into overtime, The most thrilling than the Series VI: in Garnett's absence, Ray - Ray Allen led the Celtics to have fought three overtimes, Allen H-9 three-pointers scored under 51 points This is not the only time in his career playoff 50 +, and the playoff scoring 51 points or the first person to active duty, but unfortunately the team lost to the Bulls to 127-128,1 points, a total that game Allen shot 18 three-pointers in mind, but also the history of NBA playoff record for the most number of third shot.
Allen career total entering NBA Finals twice, the Celtics are in the period, and the opponents are the Los Angeles Lakers, two Finals - Ray Allen have written a three-point record. 2008 NBA Finals, Celtics Lakers win total score 4-2 Rick, Ray - Allen in the series which hit a total of 22 three-pointers, is the NBA Finals in the history of six-hit game series the total number of pointers Most of the records. In 2010, the Celtics and Lakers in the Finals again, this time, the Lakers 4-3 the total score had the last laugh, but the second belongs to Ray - Allen's glorious moment in the Lakers home Stump Adams Center, Allen the first half to hit 7 three-pointers, the audience hit 8 three-pointers, this is the history of NBA Finals single-game three-point shooting record.

third All-Star Game six times, champion in 2001
stage in the All-Star also - Ray Allen's light, he has participated in 2000,01,02,05,06 five three-point competition and was named 2011 All-Star third contest in Los Angeles list, and in 2001 third contest in Washington, Ray - Ray Allen scored both preliminaries and finals of the highest points, there is no dispute to beat Dirk Nowitzki and Peja Stojakovic a third of the king of the session. In addition, the Allen Tournament 10 times in selected East and West, all is based on reserve status, but he still reached the All-Star Tournament eastern third of the total shot the ball (64), total hits (20), scoring shots (7.11 ),north face denali, single-site audience shot (11) and single-shot half-field (7) records a total of five three-pointers.

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