Monday, February 7, 2011

the plants up and down on the left a clear sign of the soil surface

the plants up and down on the left a clear sign of the soil surface,mac brushes can be subject to this flag. The size of flower pots and plants have the size, number of commensurate neither large pots small, less strain, strain should not be a large addition of small pots. General the number of plants to expected after 2-3 years the principles just covered pots. Plant height commensurate with the size of pots. Not only conducive to growth, but also with viewing requirements.

(4) pavement. After planting, the surface covered with a layer in the basin earth or moss stone tablets,mac makeup it is better quality forest moss, both beautiful, but also regulate water, mud can not protect the leaf surface water pollution is not caused by infection of the soil sprout bacteria and bad heart; In addition, rain can slow the erosion of the basin earth, hold basin loose.

(5) watering. After planting, water is poured first pass, must Pentu wet,north face denali water droplets should be small, the momentum avoid big. If placed in a basin flooding, must not soak for too long. Pentu Once soaked, blue bowl to move out immediately, and then transported to shade between conservation.

with orchid tissue culture techniques and aseptic seeding technology continues to evolve,blackhawks jerseys flowering orchids in vitro phenomena are more and more attention. This phenomenon has been able to attract the attention of breeders, mainly because the original need for many years to conventional cultivation of new hybrid varieties of artificial flowers, now in a test tube, through the training cycle 1 to 2 will be able to artificially promote flowering, This situation according to the destination flowering traits of individuals with good breeding, out of relatively poor individuals, so that the entire breeding cycle time and significantly reduce the large number of cultivated varieties of flowers not seen the workload, making breeding more highly appropriate.

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