Thursday, February 24, 2011

Below the inflection point, the Chinese sports brand to seek change

    2010, for large and small, local sports brand, is bound to be an eventful year.

    2010 end of the year, local sports brand leader Li Ning (02331.HK) because the order by the second quarter of 2011 decreased the amount of factors, stock prices in the December 20, 2010 crash near record 16% of the market value of about 3.5 billion Hong Kong dollars evaporating day. And plunge, the stock has not stopped the decline. A true record of the capital market on local sports brand in the market worries about business prospects. Market watchers generally agreed that the amount of orders down by just a fuse, and make the market for fear of violent reaction by the local sports brand new stores ran into the path of thickening performance sports brand for years if you do not change the development of rigid routines, will face difficulties. Time farther back, in mid 2010, the market came Nike, Adidas and other international brands have been besieged local sports brand, they are in the Chinese market sales decline, the desire to adjust the channel structure, into the second and third tier markets , and in order to meet the second and third tier markets in the consumer level,north face denali, will launch low-priced shoes, grab the original sports brand firmly in control for the local market. Cheap shoes, Nike is just the news release immediately cause a chain reaction in the capital markets. July 6, 2010, sports apparel stocks fell across the board: special steps or 5.98%, down 2.01% Li Ning, Anta down 0.74%, down 2.92% trends in China, Olympic or 2.92%, 0.36% or 361 degrees. In addition to the amount of orders fell sharply, the Li Ning Company also announced the integration of distribution channels in 2011, the news will be closing some underperforming stores a single operation, the number off store about 500 ~ 600. After years of rapid development, along with the sporting goods market in blow to brand as the representative of Jinjiang local sports brand achieved extraordinary development. However, orders in 2010 decreased by Li Ning, Guan shop integration as a symbol, means that the entire industry has entered a transition period. Extensive and intensive in people's minds, the rise of the local sports brand with generous input of resources in shaping the brand's strong desire, cottage-style is inseparable from the instinct of imitation, such as the wilderness in general, wide open the doors. CCTV channel into five channels in Jinjiang, Jinjiang enterprises competing to hire celebrity endorsements, have sprung up everywhere in the store, constitute Anta, 361 degrees, special steps, Jordan, Pick, Super Star Park, Del benefits, Nemec, Xidelong and many to name or no name brand development path of the movement. However, such a development path to a critical point. rely on shop channel and multi-shop horizontal growth patterns brought encountered a bottleneck, to a critical point. like Li Ning the number of stores in the country has reached 7,000, volume is very large, the difficulty of managing a certain to maintain relatively high profit margins are also difficult. The ability to achieve increased brand premium vertical growth, there is still some space. pressure. Increase in investment of resources on brand building, grab high-quality sports resources, to open new stores through multiple channels to promote business growth, which is the main local sports brand momentum. However, due to substantial increase in rent, get out of the store more and more difficult to make money, Li Ning, Zhang Zhiyong, CEO said: On the other hand, operation of the terminal retail stores rising cost, which makes the company's dealers Li Ning's growth prospects next year more and more cautious. will increase the discount given to distributors. The industry believes that, Enhance the brand's appeal and ability to enhance the brand's premium is an inevitable choice. Nike into the second and third tier markets and introduce low-priced shoes can make the local sports brand paranoia, it is because although the local sports brand branding gone through the stage, but with international brands, there is still not a small gap between the price when they lose , channels and other advantages of face competition from local sports brand is inevitable, Industry competition will be the emergence of a new form, is formed from the channel supermarkets, such as household appliances industry, Gome and Suning, as, for example Eagle Group States United States invested a lot of sharp action sports brand that will be integrated into, and through professional channel management control prices. retail brand may be, the 1997 financial crisis, dealers are not getting goods in response to the distribution of pressure situation, Chen Yihong was set up 12 subsidiaries led a retailer, then it is possible to separate channels for companies to grow into large , but the financial crisis had been incorporated. If the spin off development to the present, at least not lost to Belle. , then it would only enhance the brand appeal of longitudinal and premium capability.

    focus and brand enhancing

    how to improve the brand's premium capacity? In fact, the pressure on local sports brand not only from Nike, Adidas, this international brand. Because the brand is serious homogeneity, and mostly located in the sports, local sports brands have to face an awkward fact: main sports and leisure goods where customers with sincerity to achieve a frenzied growth; the global apparel retailer Uniqlo has a low price, simple and refreshing fashion eroded sports consumer market. But to continue, you will need more professional division, need to tap the spirit of sport, the real emphasis on sports content, emphasizing sports brand itself. June 2010 the last day, Li Ning,mac brushes, the company suddenly announced to change the logo and slogan: . Li Ning Company for standard, the turnover in China was finally over Adidas, second only to Nike's second largest sports brand. Indeed, it is focusing its connotation of the brand Li Ning's a huge effort. Li Ning is not just the first tier, a lot of local sports brand in the sport after making noise after the card, have begun to keep a cool head in the direction of brand development, thinking about his future path. In 2010, Jordan launched its own new brand proposition: But the face of changes in the market, Jordan is also not the same. Every time transcendence, must break through the limits of an unimaginable; each new life, go through a dark, unknown; in Nirvana, we will usher in a new me! this so-called 'new cross • , Beyond Yourself '. In any mature industry, or enhance the brand value reached up the first tier, or down in a small market segment of the tail. And those who are still superstitious sports resources, advertising mad, mad shop competitors, quietly spent several years in the second echelon of the field to focus on basketball Michael Jordan, it launched a new offensive, first invited a professional market research company, understand the new generation of sports psychology and consumer consumption patterns, followed by creative agencies and brands, combing the brand positioning and value proposition. . Now is a watershed, go left or right, to the decision-making time. Zhang believes that it is missing some of sporting goods brands forward-looking strategic vision for the original idea of the detention, order the analysis of decline, the growth rate decline, simply because the number attributed to the shop enough, sports resources not rich, extensive mode of growth remains. volume, capacity, more energy should be spent re-branding. , it is necessary to sort out, to truly understand their target consumer groups, their own brand of ideas, their own brand of spiritual core of their brand clearly defined, and then through a large number of market behavior to strengthen. work to shape the brand, is represented by Jinjiang local sports department at a magnificent turn the brand, which makes the accumulation of local sports brand after years of international sports brands with strong words against the capital, but local sports brand but can not be forced into a maneuver position, to turn again magnificent, but with billions of scale, how will local sports brand turn it? Ni Zhen years that the international sports brand after years of accumulation, or whether it is operational skills to be better than the marketing resources to seize the domestic enterprises, under the existing conditions, the domestic enterprises to narrow the gap with international brands, only painstaking efforts to do more innovation,mac makeup, including product innovation, marketing,nhl hockey, innovative ideas, innovative marketing tools, sales and service innovation. , third-line market, and actively enter the first-line marketplace. After extensive development of Jinjiang wild brand should go fine path of development. Currently, many enterprises in Jinjiang seem to have a relatively good brand, but these brands have not been beaten, relatively poor ability to resist risks. These companies are not built on the basis of brand development, but to rely on large-scale investment in marketing, and promotion of over-reliance on the terminal, but the momentum achieved through mass marketing, sales only. Thirteen Song said: by leaps and bounds, and from Jinjiang to go out, or to achieve urban image of the upgrades and business management innovation, it can be said to truly entered the age of branding. on their own. to know enough and not enough local sports, compared with foreign brands brand does have deficiencies, but because rooted in China, a big market, but China is a Major sports power from the sports development, then the future will national brands produced in an international big brand, so no matter how the past, it is just difficult development process, we should in the future in their own self-confidence.

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