Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sister Lotus, so slim down no chest fat reduction

copy the URL recently, Sister Lotus in the micro- Bo released his latest photographs of Sister Lotus successful weight-loss, over the past few styling, dressed quite temperament, users have shouted, Friends, laughing, second appearance, and always showed off our buns trademark dance. Sister Lotus is not only out of his own records, opened the concert, appeared in stage plays, but also embarked on a lecture at Peking University speech, and even into the film and television industry.
into the mainstream since the ranks of the film after participating in the exercise than before the words of Sister Lotus was convergence, and Ray index also declined substantially. This time, Sister Lotus in the micro-blog posting photo urges people to surprise. Sister Lotus, who changed the shape of past mine, changed line to go temperament, stunning. User talk more joke: dress up more and more temperament, thin is more successful Sister Lotus charm, with emphasis on weight loss did not lose her breasts, she is still convex. We must be very curious, Sister Lotus in the end is how to lose a fat it? Inside today to a big, Sister Furong, teach you to lose weight without chest.
lose weight first one
1. Feet into the left-right-pedal arch step, but after Teng Chiao slightly forward bending, in order to maintain its flexibility, with individual differences feet from front to back determined to be a firm principle.
2. The body to the right, eyes flat as the right front, left chest arms elbow, back of the hand relative to the two, fingertips upward.
3. Arms natural extension after forward (left front, right in the post) with the left foot in the same direction.
4. Body a little backward turn, eyes flat as left front, his arms elbow in the chest, back of the hand relative, fingers upward.
5. Arms natural extension after forward (right front, left hand in the post) with the left foot in the same direction. This alternative practice 50 times, can be gradually increased to 200 to 300 times.
second measure weight loss
1. Feet inverted type character to stand shoulder width, back of the hand toward the ground, lifted to the chest before their own, while doing deep breathing movements.
2. Two back of relatively, strongly bent under the plug, and whispered cough, try to exhale the exhaust.
3. Hands make a fist, elbow raised to chest level, palms up, while doing deep breathing movements.
4. Arms left and right side flat, holding a fist, and try to breath.
5. Wrenching his arms, making eye fist (Fist of the tiger's mouth side) down, forward back fist while doing deep breathing movements.
6. Wrenching his arms, eyes back to boxing, boxing up the heart, deep breath while doing action.
7. Arms recovered to the upper abdomen on both sides, and deep breathing, beat belly with fists to help deep breath.
8. Fists release, his arms drooping naturally, natural breathing 3 times repeat the exercise, so repeated 10 to 30 times.
third measure weight loss
1. Feet well apart, standing with his nose deep breath.
2. Gradually squat knees, and slowly deep breath. Is repeated 20 to 50 times.
Queen's Sister Lotus, three breast exercise
one. Beat parade
1. Hands alternately from bottom to top the lower side of the chest, outside the lower side to do film, care of the action.
2. Beat the sound of the main shoot, and tap to the muscle reddish.
3. And then pulls the other side can do the same action.
II. Folded operation: centralized, prop chest
1. Hands together, put the arm is horizontal in the chest. Arm and the hand was vertical.
2. Arm slowly stretched his head, then slowly drop back to the chest. Keeping a straight line.
3. Arms slowly to the left and right to do translational motion.
4. Constantly repeated up, down, left and right movement, do 5 minutes.
III. Touch the elbow operation
1. Fist, parallel to the arm and shoulder, arm and arm vertical.
2. To maintain the posture, his hands slowly to the chest Shoulong, so elbows touching, repeating this exercise 10 times.
(internship Editor: Yan Lili)

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