Thursday, March 17, 2011

Chronic enteritis

     Principle of treatment of chronic enteritis:

    (1) proper rest, eat easily digestible food, fried and spicy food fast.

    (2) the discretionary use of antidiarrheal agents, can give sub-carbonate of bismuth 1 ~ 2g, 3 times a day; Compound Camphor tincture 4ml, 3 times a day.

    (3) antispasmodic agents can be used atropine 0.3 ~ 0.6mg, 3 times a day; Marcel Sim benzene, 15mg, 3 times a day.

    (4) by bacterial culture and antibiotic sensitivity test selection, but the disease longer. Berberine also be 3% 5 ~ 10g garlic extract solution or 200ml, retention enema once a day, 10 to 20 days for treatment. Other treatments with acute enteritis.

    (5) mental diarrhea that can be used Chlordiazepoxide 10mg, 3 times a day; phenobarbital 15 ~ 30mg, 3 times a day.

    chronic enteritis commonly used drugs:

    (1) anti-inflammatory analgesic: bacterial infection, caused by bacteria culture except use of effective antibiotics, the choice of berberine 03g, 3 times a day; Yuanhuzhitong film, 3, 3 times a day; gastrointestinal Ling 4, 3 times a day. Illness with fever, dehydration, shock may be appropriate use of antibiotics, if necessary, transfusion, or oxygen.

    (2) spasm pain: atropine 0.5 ~ 1mg, or 645-2,5 ~ 10mg, intramuscular injection; or Prussian benzene Sim 15 ~ 30mg, 3 times a day.

    (3) Antidiarrheal agents may be used, sub-carbonate, bismuth 1 ~ 2g, 3 times a day; compound tincture of camphor 4mg, 3 times a day.

    (4) the spirit of diarrhea, could service Chlordiazepoxide 10mg, 3 times a day; or sleep peaceful one, 2 times.

    (5) Chinese medicine: ① spleen, diarrhea, may be given pills or ginseng spleen Buzhongyiqi pills. ② deficiency of kidney yang diarrhea, with Gui Ba Weiwan, or Fuzi Lizhong Wan. ③ the spleen qi, diarrhea, for Diarrhea with Pain or spearheading the taking.

    TCM treatment of chronic enteritis:

    motherland medicine without chronic enteritis disease name, but according to the clinical features of disease, is a medicine for chronic abdominal pain, chronic diarrhea category. Its causes visible spleen and stomach, deficiency of kidney yang, and qi the spleen, intestinal stasis network and so on. The disease location, the disease in the stomach, and liver and kidney are closely related. The disease resistance, the virtual real, actual situation mixed. Secretary stomach liver and kidney failure-based gas, gastrointestinal disorders, supplemented, against the chaos caused by blood, organs disorders, such as yin and yang do not, and pathological changes. Regardless of voicing, mixed down, go for the clinical features of diarrhea in the large intestine.

    (1) weak stomach

    long illness or a cold dampness of the evil trapped in the coke resistance, so that weak stomach. Spleen as Turkey, hi dry wet evil, the main transport Ascending. The stomach is the entrails, hi evil run dry, the main receiving the main drop. Two complement each other, a satisfied one movement, dampness mercy, Mizutani together to complete absorption and transportation functions. This weak stomach, regardless of voicing, lifting disharmony, chaos caused by air-reverse, causing the water against the wet valley against the delay, the stopping hysteresis, intestinal organs opacity down, then the cost of disease.

    (2) deficiency of kidney yang

    as the birth of the kidney, but also for the fire of Vital dirty, the main one yang, with warmth, gasification, promoting qi and blood, organs function. Kidney is less than, Vital Huoshuai, spleen yang yang are not very inviting, caused by spleen deficiency, chill plot Sheng, stomach off is not solid, the gas settlement, transportation of stolen Division, more than Jiuxie, lingering pain , PL of the disease.

    TCM understanding of the pathogenesis of chronic enteritis:

    (1) Etiology: the cause of this disease is mainly due to improper diet, over-emotional disorders and sexual dysfunction Erzhi spleen and liver and kidney. Of the stomach for the day after tomorrow. Transport of water, food essence spleen, stomach, the main receiving for the Valley of the sea water. Liver dispersion, section of liver, spleen and stomach is catharsis in favor of the gas lift. Kidney is the birth of the Vital Huoshuai, not very inviting Spleen that may cause diarrhea, then the cost of disease.

    (2) pathogenesis: ① disease location: The disease in the stomach, and liver and kidney are closely related. ② disease resistance: the virtual real, actual situation mixed. Secretary stomach loss of liver and kidney of the gas-based, regardless of voicing lead, lifting estranged, mixed down, and take the large intestine diarrhea as the standard. ③ an illness: the incidence of this disease is a congenital deficiency of qi, liver failure catharsis, spleen and stomach disharmony, chaos-based air-lift reverse, gradually, and it is dirty, organs disorders. To diarrhea, abdominal pain, bowel for clinical characteristics. ④ disease: loss of health movement spleen, stomach disharmony drop,vibram 5 fingers, yang deficiency, liver failure dispersion, caused by digestion and absorption disorder in Erzhi diarrhea. Recurrent disease, when light weight, hard to be cured, longer course. How weak stomach

    Treatment of chronic enteritis:

    symptoms: runny bowel movements when the diarrhea, persistent repeated, End Valley is not based, poor appetite eat less, uncomfortable after eating, a little into the oily food, the stool frequency increased significantly, pale complexion, Shenpi fatigue, pale tongue, white coating, thready and weak pulse.

    analysis: spleen and stomach Erzhi diarrhea, the main weakness of the temper, Qing Yang does not rise, to transport and dereliction of duty, so see loose stools diarrhea, not of finished Valley; spleen were not delivered, then eat less sodium nausea or abdominal discomfort after eating, more than Jiuxie; spleen qi deficiency, lack of sources, causing pale complexion, fatigue, malaise; pale tongue, white, weak pulse, are signs of weak spleen and stomach.

    Governing Law: Spleen Qi.

    Recipe: San SHENLINGBAISHU Lord.

    prescription Ginseng, Atractylodes, Poria, licorice spleen Qi; amomum, tangerine peel, Campanulaceae, lentils, yams, lotus seeds and meat, yi qi spleen dampness, commonly used to treat diarrhea prescription spleen. If the spleen yang deficiency bad, chill filled, can be compatible Tang Fuzi Lizhong to warm in the cold-dispelling; if Jiuxie unhealed, subsidence in the air,mac makeup, and both rectal prolapse, could cast Decoction, reuse Astragalus, Codonopsis rise to Qi Qing, spleen to stop diarrhea.

    the spleen qi Treatment of chronic enteritis How:

    symptoms: swelling known as Xiong Xie nausea, belching and eat less, each of the brain due to depression, anger or emotional tension, that is abdominal pain, diarrhea, pink tongue, pulse string.

    analysis: the impassioned by the injury, emotional instability, anger when the negative air machine, article of liver failure, tribulations in the spleen, missing the health movement, it is abdominal pain, diarrhea. Not Shu qi, dredge disorders, it is Xiong Xie expansion nausea, belching and eat less. Pale tongue, pulse string, all the signs of liver deficiency Wang.

    Governing Law: suppression of liver Fu spleen.

    Recipe: Pain Diarrhea based.

    Fang Atractylodes spleen tonic; TGP nourishing Softening; Citrus qi Xingpi; wind Shengqing diarrhea. Played a total of liver qi stagnation, spleen to stop diarrhea achievements. How to spleen deficiency

    Treatment of chronic enteritis:

    symptoms: before dawn, Cullen ache, bowel or diarrhea, diarrhea after the safety, cold limbs, weak waist , pale tongue, white coating, pulse.

    analysis: Kidney failure, not very inviting Pitu, but before dawn yang, Induce, chill more Shing, so see navel belly ache, bowel and diarrhea, diarrhea after the self-security. Cold limbs, waist and knees, pale tongue, white coating, pulse small, are the spleen and kidney yang deficiency signs.

    Governing Law: Warming spleen, Guse diarrhea.

    Recipe: Lizhong Tang Si Shen pill.

    four gods psoralen pills kidney yang; nutmeg, Evodia warm in the cold-dispelling; Schisandra convergence of diarrhea. With the management of soup warming middle invigorating spleen, spleen and kidney Deficiency of diarrhea attending. Such as old and feeble, Jiuxie more than, the gas settlement, should join the Qi Sun and astringent products, such as ginseng, astragalus, myrobalan meat, peel, Chi Shizhi, parched rice hull and the like, can also be combined with peach solid-intestine soup to converge diarrhea.

    want to drink, the tongue side of a bruise or a dark red tongue, pulse string and astringent.

    Analysis: diarrhea course of time, Evils into the network, network intestinal stasis, not General pain, so the abdominal irritation, pain has given place, according to the Tong Shen; stasis and qi stagnation, there was After the endless sense of diarrhea; dry mouth and do not want to drink, looking dark stagnation, tongue side of a bruising, dark red tongue,blackhawks jerseys, pulse string and astringent, the symptoms are bleeding resistance.

    treatment: Huayu network, and business to stop bleeding.

    Recipe: Lord of Shaofuzhuyu soup.

    prescription to Puhuang, Wulingzhi and Angelica, Rhizoma Chuanxiong King and medicine, co-Yuan Hu, myrrh blood and pain; Guixin, cumin, ginger warm through the stasis, the intestinal network bleeding was scattered, the diarrhea and abdominal pain full length. If blood stasis, into pus and blood, feces laden with Chibai sticky and cold, combined with Pulsatilla soup to heat and cooling blood, dampness solutions stasis.

    TCM syndrome of chronic enteritis of the main points of what?

    (1) identified priority diseases: chronic diarrhea slow onset, longer course, protracted course of time, each due to poor diet, Lao Juan Over the relapse, often the main spleen deficiency. Or kidney disease for a long time, there Diarrhoea, waist and knee stand the cold, the gate of life Huoshuai, spleen and kidney with the disease, treatment of the spleen and kidney chih.

    (2) identified ill: General, diarrhea, stomach if undefeated, eating as usual, mostly light cards, the prognosis is good. If the diarrhea can not eat, emaciation, excessive discharge under; or Jiuxie can not help but slip, causing injury Jin liquid dried, then death for every yin, yang of death changes, mostly in heavy card.

    (3) identified cold empty: Where the course is longer, less abdominal pain, abdominal pain, according to hi, a small convenience, thirsty, mostly deficiency. Qingxi fecal matter such as water, abdominal pain, thermophilic, chills expansion cold end of the valley is not, hand, foot due to temperature, mostly cold syndrome.

    (4) Discrimination and rely on card: diarrhea and both spontaneous aversion to cold, fever, headache, floating pulse, serving Xie Feng; diarrhea occurred in the summer heat season, Zheng Jian fever polydipsia, head re spontaneous, pulse moisten the number of summer to embrace; diarrhea and abdominal and abdominal swelling of the liver, nausea, sour rot ai, for relying on fresh wounds.

    to arrange catering.

    1, low-fat and less fiber. Patients should not eat fried, fried, cold, and multi-fiber foods, you can choose easily digested thin noodles, noodle sheets, ravioli, tender leaves, fish, shrimp, eggs and soy products, so as to obtain the intestinal rest.

    2, associated with chronic enteritis patients, such as dehydration, can drink light salt water, soup, rice soup, fruit juice, rice, etc., to supplement the water, salt and vitamins.

    3, exhaust, bowel too strong, they should eat less sugar and easy gas fermented foods such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, white radish, pumpkin, milk, soybeans and so on.

    4, most patients with chronic enteritis, frail, weak immune system, and thus should pay attention to food hygiene, not to eat raw, hard and rotten food, do not drink, do not eat spicy spicy and strong flavors.

    5, apple contains tannin and acid component, there is convergence antidiarrheal effect, one can always eat.

    are presented with antidiarrheal effect of several ones for the patients try.

    garlic soup: Take 30 grams of garlic, peeled and chopped the end of 1000 ml of water, rice porridge 100 gram, early and late, warm clothes, a Zhili, antidiarrheal effect.

    purslane soup: fresh purslane 90 grams (30 grams or dry purslane), plus 100 grams of rice porridge, early and late taking to stop diarrhea.

    lotus rice porridge yam: yam 30 grams, 20 grams of lotus seeds, 100 grams of rice porridge, early and late taking, the spleen and stomach and diarrhea have effect.

    spleen Syndrome caused by weakness, the disease is far more complicated, but long-term clinical observation of the author, mainly vomiting, diarrhea, edema, bleeding, and I in the treatment of the experience accumulated bit by bit, now outlined as follows:

    spleen vomiting card that is easy to see a little careless eating and vomiting, for the time when the only, poor appetite, difficulty of ingestion, abdominal swelling of the liver, nausea, pale mouth thirst, little white face China, malaise, fatigue, pale tongue, thin white fur, weak pulse moisten. Spleen vomiting spleen weakness, Stomach Shangni caused Expelling the spleen and stomach vomiting, Fang election Xiangsha Liujunzi Decoction. Spleen Deficiency

    pond when the crash when you see the stool, persistent repetition, not of finished valley, eating less, eating nausea after abdominal uncomfortable, slightly greasy food to feed the increased frequency of bowel movements, pale complexion, fatigue Shenpi , pale tongue, white coating, thready and weak pulse. Diarrhea transported by the loss of spleen deficiency, caused by intestinal wet note, Expelling spleen Shenshi diarrhea, party election SHENLINGBAISHU bulk of the CD.

    swollen spleen edema cards see the body, particularly at night below the waist, according to the depression is not easy recovery, abdominal distension, nausea, eat less sodium, looking not China, Shenpi limbs, deficient urine, pale tongue fur white slip, pulse Chenhuan. Stop by the deficiency of water deficiency edema, skin caused by overflows, the water swelling Expelling Wenpi Lee, Fang spleen decoction real election.

    deficiency bleeding dark purple card, see blood in the stool, rather then black, or hematuria, hematemesis, Nvxue and purpura, Shenpi fatigue, shortness of breath, low noise, minimalist white face, dizziness, pale tongue, thin white fur, thin weak pulse. Bleeding is a spleen qi deficiency, blood loss of unifying for the suffering, the blood taken Expelling spleen Qi, Fang election Spleen Decoction.

    how the prognosis of chronic enteritis for preventive care:

    (1) Prognosis: chronic colitis through the timely and proper treatment, the prognosis is good; such as long-term repeated diarrhea, caused by the spleen and stomach qi deficiency, kidney disease for a long time , the condition worse. If further development of kidney, spleen yang neither temperature operation, and can not be fixed in the next photo that may cause excessive diarrhea, the disease killed yin and yang becoming death certificate, the prognosis is more negative.

    (2) Prevention: to strengthen the training, enhance physical fitness, the spleen and less susceptible to the evil Wang; launch patriotic health campaign, the eradication of flies, to enhance food hygiene and water management; do not eat rotten food, drink Health water, raw fruits to hot wash, washing hands before meals and after to develop good habits.

    (3) Health: pay attention to rest and to increase nutrition, giving easily digestible food such as rice soup, porridge and soup. If abdominal pain, diarrhea who Deficiency may also be short ginger drink to warm vibration Spleen, Stomach reconcile. Not eat spicy Sunburn B032, Feiganhouwei the goods. In the conditional case, with infrared, wax therapy, cupping, acupuncture,mac brushes, Qigong and other therapies to enhance efficacy. In addition to maintain ease of mind, to avoid a strong incentive to establish the confidence to overcome the disease.

    chronic enteritis, medicine you can take SHENLINGBAISHU Powder, quack medicine can take fluoride acid, Zhengchangsheng so usually have to avoid spicy, greasy, tobacco, cold and other stimuli. Note gung Zhengchangsheng acid fluoride can not be taken together, oh.

    chronic enteritis therapeutic approach:

    TGP drink recipe: white peony root 15 g, Poria 20 grams, 15 grams Atractylodes, ginger 10 grams, 15 grams Monkshood , brown sugar, 20 grams


    1 will be attached to a good piece Sunburn, boiled for 30 minutes to water; peony root, Poria, Atractylodes, ginger Wash and slice.

    2 or more drugs into the stew pot, add water, amount, set on high heat boiling, boiling and then simmer for 30 minutes, to the residue, add brown sugar and stir well Serve.

    consumption: on behalf of the tea used.

    Effects: anti-inflammatory diarrhea. Preferred in patients with chronic enteritis.

    Chuanxiong angelica tea

    formula: Chuanxiong 5 grams, 5 grams of ginseng, white Poria 5 grams, 5 grams of Angelica, Atractylodes 5 grams, 5 grams of white peony, 5 grams of cassia twig, corn 50 g


    1 or more drugs will be washed; corn washing clean, into the aluminum pan, add water amount.

    2 Wu Huo on the aluminum pan and set boiling, then simmer for 30 minutes, to slag Serve.

    to eat: 1 day, on behalf of the tea used.

    Effects: anti-inflammatory diarrhea. To rectal ulcer have a certain effect. Ginseng Tea Hawthorn

    formula: 10 grams of ginseng, hawthorn 10 grams, 10 grams Atractylodes, Poria 15 grams, 10 grams of lotus seeds, yam 10 grams, 6 grams of dried tangerine peel, Alisma 6 grams, 6 grams of licorice, sugar 30 grams


    1 or more drugs will be washed into the aluminum pan, add water amount.

    2 Wu Huo on the aluminum pan and set boiling, then simmer for 25 minutes, the cease-fire, filter residue, add sugar, stir well Serve.

    consumption: on behalf of the tea used.

    effect: make the spleen and stomach, stop diarrhea. Of malnutrition, lack of luster of enteritis patients with skin food is a plus.

    cloves surface

    formula: 2 grams of cloves, a strawberry, white noodles, 250 grams of MSG 3 grams, 3 grams of salt, pepper, 3 g


    1 to clove, strawberry labeled powder (grass and fruit to the heart).

    2 aluminum pan to add some water, and placing high heat on the boiling, add the white noodles, then boiling, add pepper, salt, cloves, strawberry, gourmet, noodles cooked Serve.

    eat: once a day, every 100 grams of noodles to eat, thirsty soup, dinner food.

    Effects: Warm gastrointestinal, only diarrhea. Those of chronic enteritis, diarrhea food has a good effect.

    Astragalus Pearl Barley recipe: rice, 100 grams, 30 grams of astragalus Yiyiren 30 g


    1. Astragalus slices ; rice, Coix washing clean.

    2. the rice, astragalus, Coix seed into the pot, add water, amount, Chi Wu Huo, on boiling, then simmer for 40 minutes Serve.

    to eat: 1 day, 100 grams of porridge each. Dinner food.

    Effect: fill strength, only diarrhea. Spleen in patients with chronic enteritis food is a plus.

    Zhu Jiankang!!

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