Monday, March 7, 2011

Spring weight coup 12 tasty snacks

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    delicious snacks role. Since oats are rich in dietary fiber, this soluble oat fiber, not found in other grains. Because the fiber is easily absorbed, and because of low heat content, both conducive to weight loss, but also for heart disease, hypertension and diabetes on the therapeutic needs.
    2, Corn:
    rich in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, selenium and vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, E and carotene, also rich in fiber quality. Vegetables, corn oil, can reduce cholesterol and soften blood vessels. Corn on cholecystitis, gallstones, jaundice, hepatitis and diabetes, the role of adjuvant therapy.

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    onion rings containing acid such as allicin and sulfur compounds, can help dissolve blood clots. Onion almost no fat, can inhibit the high fat diet induced cholesterol, help to improve atherosclerosis. Onion onion extract element, can the treatment of cardiovascular sclerosis. Garlic can lower total serum cholesterol, triolein content. Secondary metabolites of allicin - methyl trisulfide, has prevented the synthesis of coagulation A2 suppository mass effect, it can prevent blood clots. Garlic can treat obesity.
    4, yam:
    the mucus proteins, can prevent deposition of fat in the cardiovascular system to maintain blood vessel elasticity, prevent atherosclerosis and reduce subcutaneous fat deposition, to avoid obesity. Yam of dopamine, a dilation of blood vessels and improve blood circulation function. In addition, the yam can also improve the human digestive function, enhance physical fitness. If indigestion during the Chinese Lunar New Year, you can use yam, lotus seeds, add a little sugar Gorgon Gong Zhu.

    delicious snacks p> known as Seaweed with its low-calorie, low fat impressive, some algae have a lipid-lowering effect. Kelp and other brown algae, rich in colloid fiber, can significantly reduce serum cholesterol. Seaweed also contains many unique active substances, with blood pressure, lipid-lowering, hypoglycemic,nhl hockey, anti-cancer and so on.
    6,vibram five fingers, Tremella:
    Tremella obvious lipid-lowering and antithrombotic effect.

    delicious snacks p> a strong lower blood cholesterol, maintaining blood acid-base balance, anti-aging and anti-cancer effect. Potatoes are rich in dietary fiber and resin volume of bowel material etc., can be described as
    8, Celery:
    contain more dietary fiber, especially with lower blood pressure components, but also fat, lowering blood sugar.

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    eat can improve the body's antioxidant capacity and immunity. Dates to lower blood cholesterol, triolein is also very effective.
    10,mac makeup, Hawthorn:
    to strengthen and adjust the heart, increasing the ventricular and atrial motion amplitude, and coronary blood flow, can lower cholesterol, promote metabolism.

    delicious snacks p> the function of lowering blood lipids, with stable blood pressure. Adding a little daisy in green tea, have a good cardiovascular health.
    12, Apple:
    the pectin has a lower blood cholesterol. Apple is rich in potassium, can rid the body of excess sodium, such as eating three apples a day, to maintain blood pressure, blood lipids are good.

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