Monday, March 7, 2011

State Council to encourage and guide the healthy development of private investment in a number of observations

    Location: Home>> Official Gazette>> State Department document>> State Department documents the central government portal 2010 年 05 月 13 日 Source: State Council 【Font: Big Middle Small】 the State Council to encourage and guide private investment
    the healthy development of the National Development 〔2010〕 on the 13th
    provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, 国务院各部委, agencies directly under:
    Since reform and opening, China's continuous development and expansion of private investment has become the promotion of economic development, adjusting the industrial structure, prosperity, urban and rural markets, an important force in increasing employment opportunities. In unwaveringly consolidate and develop the public economy, and unswervingly encourage, support and guide non-public economic development, to further encourage and guide private investment, is conducive to upholding and improving our basic economic system in the primary stage of socialism to the modern system of property rights-based develop the mixed ownership economy, promoting competition in all economic sectors of equality and common development; is conducive to improving the socialist market economic system, give full play to the market's basic role in allocating resources and establish a fair competitive market environment; help to stimulate the economy endogenous growth dynamic, stable foundation for sustainable development, long-term stable and rapid economic development; help expand employment opportunities, increase people's income, boost domestic consumption, and promote social harmony and stability. To do this, make the following observations:
    First, to further expand the field and scope of private investment
    (A) thoroughly implement the access industries and fields. Set the threshold for investment access specification, and create fair competition and equal access to the market environment. Market access and preferential policies should be open, transparent, equal treatment for all types of investors, not a single set additional conditions for private capital.
    (B) clearly define the scope of government investment. Government investment is mainly used for national security, the market can not effectively allocate resources of economic and social fields. Can be implemented for the operation of market infrastructure, public works and other public services, should encourage and support private capital.
    (C) to further adjust the layout and structure of state-owned economy. Focus on investment in state-owned capital should continue to strengthen and consolidate the national economic lifelines of important industries and key areas of competitive areas in general, for private capital to create a broader market space.
    (D) actively promote the health, education and other social reform in the area. The private social development as an important social and public utilities added, overall planning, rational distribution, accelerating the development of the formation of the government investment as the mainstay, supplemented by private investment in public service system.
    Second, encourage and guide private investment into basic industries and infrastructure
    (E) to encourage private capital participation in transportation construction. Encourage private capital to sole, holding, shares and other forms of investment to build roads, water transport, ports, civil airports and general aviation facilities and other projects. Working out a program of the railway system, the introduction of market competition, promoting the diversification of investors and encourage private capital participation in railway lines, railway lines, railway and ferry station facilities, to allow construction of coal-channel private capital equity, passenger lines, the city Rail transportation and other projects. Explore the establishment of the railway industry investment fund and actively support the enterprises to speed up railway stocks were listed, broadening the field of private capital into railway construction in the channels and means.
    (F) To encourage private capital to participate in water conservancy construction. Charge compensation mechanism established, the implementation of government subsidies, through the owners of bidding, contracting and leasing, to attract private capital to invest in irrigation, water transfer, water resources utilization, soil and water conservation and other water conservancy projects.
    (G) to encourage private capital participation in the power construction. Encourage private capital to participate in wind, solar, geothermal, biomass and other new energy industry construction. Support private capital to sole, holding or shareholding in the form of hydropower, thermal power station construction, equity building nuclear power plants. Further liberalization of the electricity market and actively promote the price reform to speed up the bidding, the implementation of the project owners to tender, perfect power control system for the equitable participation of private power generation companies compete to create a good environment.
    (H) encourage private capital to participate in oil and gas construction. Support private capital into the oil and gas exploration and development, in cooperation with the state-owned oil companies oil and gas exploration and development. Shares of private capital to support the construction of crude oil, natural gas, refined oil storage and pipeline transportation facilities and networks.
    (I) encourage private capital to participate in telecommunications construction. Ways to encourage private capital to enter the basic telecom equity market. Support for private capital to carry out value-added telecommunications services. Strengthen the field of telecommunications monopolies and unfair competition regulation, promote fair competition, promote the sharing of resources.
    (J) to encourage private capital participation in land improvement and development of mineral resources exploration. Actively guide the form of private capital through public bidding in land consolidation, land reclamation and other construction projects, encourage and guide private capital investment in the mine geological environment recovery, adhere to the mining rights market fully open to private capital.
    Third, encourage and guide private investment into public utilities, and policy areas of housing construction
    (K) to encourage private capital to participate in the construction of municipal utilities. Support of private capital into the city water supply, gas supply, heat supply, sewage and waste disposal, public transport, urban landscaping and other fields. Encourage the active participation of private capital, the restructuring of municipal public enterprises restructuring, with the conditions of municipal utilities to adopt a market-oriented project management style, the transfer of property to private capital or operating rights.
    (Xii) to further deepen the reform of municipal utilities. Actively introduce market competition mechanism, promoting the municipal utilities of investors, operators of the main tendering system, establish and improve the municipal utilities franchise system. Improve and perfect the government procurement system and establish a standard government regulation and financial subsidy mechanism, speeding up product prices and charges municipal reform, to encourage and guide the private capital to enter the field of municipal public utilities system to create a good environment.
    (Xiii) policy to encourage private capital to participate in housing construction. Support and guide the private capital investment in building affordable housing,mac makeup, public rental housing, housing policy, in shantytowns and enjoy the relevant policies of housing construction policy.
    Fourth, encourage and guide private investment into the social undertakings
    (xiv) encourage private capital to participate in the development of medical career. Support various types of private capital to set up hospitals, community health services, nursing homes, clinics, clinic, health center (room) and other medical institutions in the restructuring of public hospital conversion. Commitment to private medical institutions to support public health services, basic medical services and medical insurance designated services. Non-profit medical institutions effectively implement the tax policy. Encourage medical personnel resources to the rational flow of private medical institutions to ensure that private medical institutions in the introduction of talents, job classification, research projects and other aspects of equal treatment in public hospitals. From the medical quality, medical practices, fees and other aspects of various medical institutions to strengthen supervision and promoting the healthy development of private medical institutions.
    (Xv) encourage private capital to participate in the development of education and social training career. Support for private capital to set up colleges, schools, kindergartens, vocational education and other educational and social training institutions. Revise and improve the withdrawal mechanism.
    (XVI) to encourage private capital to participate in the development of social welfare. Through land protection, credit support and other forms of government procurement to encourage private capital to invest in professional services, set up support (care) services and rehabilitation of the disabled elderly,vibram five fingers, child care and other support services, social welfare institutions.
    (Xvii) to encourage private capital to participate in the development of culture, tourism and sports industries. Encourage private capital in the advertising, printing, performing arts, entertainment, culture, creativity, culture, exhibition, film and television production, web culture, animation games, publication distribution, cultural products such as digital production and related service activities, construction of museums, libraries, cultural centers, cinemas and other cultural facilities. Reasonable to encourage private capital to develop tourism resources, construction of tourist facilities, in a variety of tourism and leisure activities. Encourage private capital investment in the production of sporting goods, construction of various sports venues and fitness facilities, engaged in physical fitness, competition performance and other activities.
    Fifth, encourage and guide private investment into the financial services
    (Xviii) to allow private capital to set up financial institutions. In enhancing effective supervision, and promote standardized operation, under the premise of preventing financial risks, the shares of financial institutions to relax than the limit. Way to support participation of private capital to shares of commercial banks to increase their investment, participation in rural credit cooperatives, urban credit cooperatives reform work. Encourage private capital to initiate or participate in the establishment of village banks, finance companies, Mutual funds and other financial institutions in rural areas, relaxing village banks or community banks a minimum capital ratio of banks in the corporate limits. Full implementation of the SME loan loss reserves for tax policy, small and medium financial institutions simplify the review process to write off bad debts. Appropriate to relax the single investor holding small loan companies limit the percentage of small loans to implement the company's agriculture-related business and rural bank the same financial subsidies. Initiated the establishment of private capital to support credit guarantee companies, Credit Guarantee Corporation of risk compensation mechanisms and risk-sharing mechanisms. Encourage private capital to initiate the establishment of financial intermediary services, participation in securities, insurance and other financial institutions, restructuring and reorganization.
    Sixth, encourage and guide the flow of private capital into the business field
    (XIX) to encourage private capital to enter the wholesale and retail goods, modern logistics. Support of private wholesale and retail enterprises, encourage private capital investment chain management, e-commerce and other new distribution formats. Guide private capital investment in third-party logistics services for private logistics enterprises to undertake the traditional manufacturing industry, commerce outsourcing the logistics industry to create conditions to support small and medium enterprise collaboration of private trade and business development of a common distribution. Jiakuaiwuliu business management system to encourage the logistics infrastructure of resource integration and full use, promote the logistics enterprise network management, set up convenient and efficient financing platform, to create a fair and standard market environment, and promote the socialization of logistics services and resource utilization the market.
    VII, encourage and guide private investment into the field of defense industry
    (Xx) to encourage private capital to enter the field of investment and construction of national defense technology industry. Guide and support the orderly participation of private enterprises restructuring and reorganization of military enterprises, encourage private enterprises to participate in dual-use high-tech development and industrialization, to allow private enterprises in accordance with relevant provisions of the commitment to military production and research tasks.
    VIII, encourage and guide private investment and participation in restructuring of state-owned enterprise reform, the United
    (Xxi) to guide and encourage private enterprises to private capital market portfolio of property rights, promote the rational flow of property to carry out cross-regional, cross-industry mergers and acquisitions. Encourage and support the rational flow of private capital in the country to achieve an orderly gradient of industrial transfer in the western region, northeast China and other old industrial bases, the central region and the new building and poverty alleviation in rural areas. Support qualified private enterprises through joint restructuring, such as bigger and stronger, to become prominent features and strong market competitiveness of the Group of companies.
    (Xxii) to encourage and guide private enterprises through equity participation, holding, acquisition and other forms of assets, restructuring and reorganizing of state-owned enterprises. Reasonable to reduce state-controlled enterprises in the state capital ratio. Private enterprises involved in the process of restructuring and reorganizing state-owned enterprises should conscientiously implement relevant disposal of assets, debt management and other aspects of social security policy requirements, according to proper arrangements for staff to ensure the legitimate rights and interests of enterprise employees.
    Nine, and promote private enterprises to strengthen independent innovation and transformation and upgrading
    (Xxiii) the implementation of R & D investment to encourage enterprises to increase the tax preferential policies to encourage private enterprises to increase R & D investment, enhance the independent innovation ability, to master core technologies with independent intellectual property rights. To help private enterprises to establish engineering and technology research centers, technology development center to increase the technical reserves, improve technology training. Support private enterprises to participate in major national science and technology projects and technical research, and constantly enhance their technology level and R & D capabilities.
    (Xxiv) to accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements to promote the implementation of incentive policies, and actively develop technology market, improve the registration system for scientific and technological achievements, facilitate the sale and purchase of private enterprises of advanced technology. Speed up the analysis and testing, inspection, business incubation, technology assessment, technology consulting and technology services agencies in the construction of mechanism innovation, and innovation of private enterprises to provide services platform. Actively promote the information service outsourcing, intellectual property, technology transfer and conversion of other high-tech services market competition and support private enterprise technical services activities.
    (Xxv) to encourage private enterprises to increase new product development efforts to achieve product upgrading. Development of new products research and development expenses may occur additional deduction shall enjoy preferential policies. Encourage private enterprises to implement brand development strategy, striving for brand-name products, improve product quality and service. Through accelerated depreciation of fixed assets and other means to encourage private enterprises to technological innovation, eliminate backward production capacity, accelerate technological upgrading.
    (Xxvi) to encourage and guide the strategic development of private enterprises in emerging industries. Extensive application of information technology and other high technology to transform and upgrade traditional industries, vigorously develop the circular economy, green economy, invest in energy conservation, water saving, bio-medicine, information networks, new energy, new materials, environmental protection, comprehensive utilization of resources development potential of the emerging industry.
    Ten, encourage and guide private enterprises to actively participate in international competition
    (Xxvii) to encourage private enterprises to Support private enterprises in the development, production, marketing and other aspects of international operations, the development of strategic resources, establishment of an international sales network. Support private enterprises to use its own brand, marketing, intellectual property rights and open up international markets, accelerate the development of multinational corporations and international famous brands. Support private enterprises, private enterprises and state-owned enterprises to form a consortium, to play their respective advantages and various forms of foreign investment.
    (Xxviii) improve the foreign investment promotion and protection system. With relevant countries to encourage and promote the international flow of private capital policy consultation mechanisms, various forms of dialogue and exchange, the development of long-term stability and mutually beneficial cooperation. Private investment by signing a bilateral cooperation agreement, the use of system and other multilateral agreements, for private enterprises to Improve and perfect the policy to encourage foreign investment in financial support, finance, insurance, foreign exchange management, quality inspection and customs clearance, the private enterprises enjoy the same treatment as other enterprises.
    Eleventh, create a favorable environment for private investment
    (Xxix) and amending the development of private investment is not conducive to the provisions of regulations and policies to effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of private investment,nhl hockey, foster and maintain an equal competitive environment for investment. Involving private investment in the formulation of laws, regulations and policies, to listen to the relevant trade associations and private enterprises comments and suggestions, and fully reflect the reasonable demands of private enterprises.
    (Thirty) people's governments at all levels of government funds arrangements, including financial, budget, investment, special construction funds, Venture Capital funds and loans from international financial organizations and foreign government loans, etc., must be clear rules, uniform standards, including various types of private investment, including equal treatment of investors. Support of private enterprises into government procurement of products and services directory.
    (Xxxi) to various financial institutions on the basis of risk prevention, innovative and flexible use of various financial instruments, increase financial support for private investment, strengthen private investment in financial services. Governments at all levels and relevant supervision departments should continue to improve security for financing private investment system and improve the venture capital mechanism, the development of equity investment funds, to continue to support private enterprises through the stock, bond market financing.
    (Xxxii) a comprehensive clean-up integrated management of private investment involved in matters of administrative examination and approval, simplify links, shorten the time to further promote the management of content, standards and procedures for open, standardized, and improve the efficiency of administrative services. Related enterprises to further clean up and regulate the charges,insanity dvd, effectively reduce the burden on private enterprises.
    Second, to strengthen the services of private investment to guide and standardize the management of
    (Xxxiii) statistics departments should strengthen private investment in statistical work, accurately reflect the progress of private investment and distribution. Investment departments, industry regulators and trade associations to do good monitoring and analysis of private investment work, to grasp the dynamics of private investment, a reasonable guide private investment. Investment information platform to strengthen the timely release to the public the national industrial policy, development and construction planning, market access, domestic industry dynamics and other information and guide private investors to judge the situation correctly, reduce blind investment.
    (Xxxiv) the establishment of a sound private investment service system. Give full play to chambers of commerce, trade associations and other self-regulatory organizations, and actively foster the development of private investment and to provide legal, policy, consulting, financial, finance, technology, management and market information services such as intermediary organizations.
    (Xxxv), while in the relaxation of market access, strengthen supervision. People's governments at all levels in accordance with relevant laws and regulations to effectively supervise the performance of private investment and construction of investment procedures, strict compliance with national industrial policies and environmental protection, land use, energy efficiency and quality, safety and so forth. To establish and improve enterprise credit system and guide private enterprises to establish norms of property rights, financial, employment and other systems, business law. Private investors to continuously improve their own quality and competence, establish credibility and sense of responsibility to actively create conditions to meet the market access requirements, and assumed the corresponding social responsibilities.
    (Xxxvi) to create a conducive private investment in health development of the good atmosphere of public opinion. Vigorously promote the State Council on Encouraging, supporting and guiding non-public economic development policies and measures. Objective and fair media coverage of private investment in promoting economic development, adjusting the industrial structure, urban and rural markets and expand prosperity, employment and other aspects of social active role. Actively promote the business according to law, honest and trustworthy, fulfill their social responsibilities seriously and actively participate in public welfare undertakings of private entrepreneurs deeds.
    All localities and departments should encourage and guide private investment in health development work in a more important position, further emancipate the mind, changing concepts, deepening reform, innovative and realistic, according to the opinion request, promptly formulate specific measures for implementation as soon as possible on policies and measures to implement, and foster the healthy development of private investment is conducive policy environment and atmosphere for public opinion, and earnestly promote the sustained and healthy development of private investment, promoting rational growth of investment, structural optimization, efficiency improvement and sound and rapid economic development.
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