Thursday, March 17, 2011

@ love @

     There is a couple, similar to the meal after work, shopping, but the girls because the company delayed the meeting, and when she arrived, when Mao Zhaoyu has more than 30 minutes late, and his boyfriend is unhappy: every case,mac makeup, and now I did not feel anything, and I will no longer waiting for you! Similarly in the same place, another couple is facing the same situation; girl arrived late for half an hour when his boyfriend, said: wipe the face of rain, and take off his jacket covered in girls, at the moment, the girl in tears! But the flow of her tears on my face is warm. You come to understand it? In fact, love, hate is often only one of our idea! Tolerance not only to know how to love better in time, many things might just change your mind too! You understand? When someone loves you, and you think he good. That does not mean that you would choose him. You say: You find a person you love love, you will love. Yes, we always thought that we would love to find a man she loved. But later, when we suddenly look back, we will once more find themselves innocent. If never started, how do you know she will love love that person? In fact, love the feeling, is to experience a lot of things together until after discovery. Perhaps everyone would like to find their own one hundred percent of the partner mind, but you have not thought about: 『around you will not already been paid to you in silence for a long time, but you just do not find it? 』So, still a closer look at the people around you! He may have been waiting for you myself! Some people say that drinking, a little drunk drunk sixth sense is the most comfortable. Muscles can be relaxed, all eyes are cute to see, if you continue to drink, it is likely the next day you have a splitting headache, general discomfort, completely lost the pleasure of drinking. Dinner, seven full satisfaction is most comfortable. But also keep the smell of food, plus dessert, fruit, keep fit and healthy is absolutely sufficient. If you continue to eat, is likely to upset stomach, eat too much, want to sleep,vibram 5 fingers, completely lost the pleasure of eating. When you love someone, love to just eight absolute good. All the expectations and hopes are only Qi Bafen; the remaining two or three points to love yourself. If you continue to love even more, is likely to give each other a heavy pressure,blackhawks jerseys, so that each breath, completely lost the love of fun. So remember, drink no more than six drunk, eat no more than seven full, love a person no more than eight Oh! That friend asked me: misleading. it bad! error correction; be considerate, but also understanding; is to accept, rather than endure; is tolerance,mac brushes, not condoned; is to support, not dominate; is sympathy, not questioned; is talk, not a complaint; is memorable, but not forgotten; is communicate with each other, and not explain everything; is silent pray for each other, and not many of the demands to each other; could be romantic, but do not waste; can always holding hands, but it should not break up. If you do, even if you do not love a person, and only remembered, but not bitter. To forgive the world and themselves. To tell myself that I deserve to have the best of everything. Able to work together to find a hardship and not able to work together to find a pleasure to find one able to work together to find a bear and not able to work together to find a dream you can not find a responsible and accountable for love is blind love is real life because love is only human to escape the products derived from love to escape to find love, I find I lost my true feelings only to find out the truth had caught Xu Qing ......... love, definitely not a lack of one would find, but not tired, they change. What do you think love is?? A little tempted, a little bit impulsive, a hug and a kiss?? Innocent children who watch too much Japanese TV drama series, the riffraff to see too many articles Tsai. This may be a part of love, but certainly not most. Main love is life, to live together. You could take her sad moment, but you could take her all the pressure you?? You give the body's temperature, but the direction of your life you can give?? You ever imagine that when the passion fades, do not embrace any of you have attractive, how do you go?? innocent children love 』『 definitely not missing to find, but not tired, they change. You can not blame her withdraw midway because she can not see the love of life. Life, love is the purpose of life here is not a person live well, is how two people ....

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