Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Zhu Dongming increase in the competitive selection of cadres in the energy channel Hubei Xinhua _

     Location: Home> Interview Online> Interview with Zhu Dongming Politics: In the competitive selection of cadres in the enhanced activity time: 2011-01-08 09:49:04 Source: Xinhua Close channel Hubei
    Macheng Municipal Standing Committee of Hubei Provincial Ministers of the Organization Zhu Dongming in the General Assembly, presented the organization of experience.
    Xinhua Channel 8 January Hubei Xinhua (Xinhua News Agency reporter Fang Zhengjun) 2010, Ma urban way through the competitive selection of leading cadres have positive Fu Keji 44, accounting for newly promoted 31% use of cadres, including direct election of township Party secretary acclaimed 2, generally acclaimed departments directly under the main level of public choice 3, Fu Keji open selection of leading cadres of young 29 people, competition is Fu Keji post 10. In particular, generally acclaimed direct township party secretary in Hubei and caused a positive response nationwide. New Year's Eve,mac makeup, Macheng Municipal Standing Committee of Ministers of the Organization Zhu Dongming organization in the province, briefed the meeting experience, the reporter then interviewed him.
    Zhu Dongming behalf of the municipal work talked about the three cadre Experience:
    - focus on enhancing activity, service development, efforts to expand the competitive selection of cadres work coverage. He said the reform and opening up to Macheng into the critical period of development, very rare opportunity, talent important. But the traditional way of selecting and employing people, talents difficult to come to the fore; cadres more serious backlog of aging, lack of energy there. To this end, the municipal decision to work by increasing the intensity of competitive selection to the competitive selection methods to find talented people and inspire cadres and vitality. 44 posts in the show, there are two township party secretary, three integrated departments directly under the main level, 10 departments directly under the powerful deputy, deputy township 19, 10 Fu Keji main functional units. Cadre management authority to counties and cities, levels of a heavy load of these posts, covering the Macheng fronts, most industries and different types, its scale, scope is Macheng in history. In order to ensure the participation of candidates face, we focus on eclectic, relaxed conditions, expand the selection of the vision. Chief directly under relaxed conditions, the age to 47 years old, a large number of comrades feel that to catch the Fu Keji cadres of public elections office relaxed restrictions qualifications and identity, exploring open up the cadres and civil servants and public institutions for an exchange. As conditions relaxed, the city of more than 650 people attended the competitive selection, the number of applicants without a job due to not enough has been canceled.
    - focus on ensuring quality, innovative ways, increasing the competitive selection of scientific cadres. In order to overcome the competitive selection of cadres time differences, the six judges of the model, and enhance the competitive selection of scientific cadres. One is to carry out the triple test, so that doing good do well. Triple test is the written tests, interviews and practical tests. Written highlight practical, focusing on doing what test; interview prominent open, focusing on testing speculation and response capacity; We have also added links to practice tests, candidates to the examination closed after a week field research, focusing on looking at actual ability to work, avoid the Second, the implementation of four-wheel-out, so get on the electoral strength. Open selection and competition, the implementation of written tests, interviews, observation, a total of four screening ballot. Direct and public election generally acclaimed to two rounds of public recommendation recommendations,nhl hockey, the Standing Committee and the Committee twice a ballot. Selection of the implementation of various four-wheel-out, truly a well selected excellent, excellent choice strong. The third is to take five times the difference between the style of real victory to come. To highlight the competitive,vibram 5 fingers, short-listed, recommendation, investigation, and the election ballot is the difference between the five areas were to elect a good reputation, style of real cadres. Fourth, to invite the six-party judges, so that the winner of social recognition. The implementation of large jury system, by external experts, leading cadres, the target, the unit representative, mass basis.
    - focus on the standard operation, open and transparent, competitive and improve public trust in cadre selection. First, public information, so that the community concerns. The General Assembly held in thousands of propaganda,insanity dvd, the spokesman system established interpretation of policy. Full sun operation, the eight areas of information in a timely manner more than 20 to the public, the media also broadcast the interview process. Second, full supervision, so that people recognized. 40 cadres hiring supervisors, together with full supervision and discipline inspection departments; mobilize the masses through the The third is to strengthen prevention and control, so that cadres convinced. Take strong measures, remediation and prevention of canvassing behavior. Closed management of competitors, cut off sources of information, and allow them the opportunity canvassing; on the judges vote for the list of personnel and strictly confidential, so that they no canvassing; Standing Committee and the Committee to implement real-name ballot voting, enhanced voting person's sense of responsibility, can not cast votes in favor, relationship votes; within the city released an open letter on the report reflects the true behavior of canvassing, the commitment to make 1 million reward.
    (Editor CHEN Hui)
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