Monday, March 7, 2011

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    fever does not mean that disease is cured quickly Filed under: health, medical provider published in slightly Cui 2011-03-04 13:23
    common nimesulide and aspirin, indomethacin, ibuprofen, these drugs belong to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs a big family, the family has experienced many long-term clinical application of drug test honored to have entered the ranks of non-prescription drugs. However, nimesulide is not a non-prescription drugs, purchase required by doctor's prescription, its use requires a doctor's permission, the guidance and monitoring of their use should be more stringent than the non-prescription drugs.

    more white flour, the better it? Filed under: health history Posted at 2011-03-04 09:39 Army
    Health Ministry, March 1 officially announced to remove the food additive, benzoyl peroxide, calcium peroxide, from 1 May 2011, the ban on the production, the two substances added to flour.
    The color of the flour come from? The more white flour, the higher the quality of it?

    Nimesulide - life-threatening fever medicine? Filed under: Health, Medicine window knock Posted at 2011-03-03 12:47 rain
    recently called Media reported that children in this common cause liver damage drug fever, and had caused many cases of serious adverse reactions and death, and even called it What the safety of this drug do?

    on theFiled under: health, medical science will be published in squirrel 2011-03-03 07:26
    pregnancy problem silly tangle over 40 years, people still want to re-examine the final claim to observe these It was found that the literature cited previously, there are still many problems to choose: not present on the sample selection bias, is the lack of the necessary information on the assessment of cognitive function before pregnancy, or is the lack of long-term follow-up results. In short a lot of problems. Is

    hypertension,Filed under: health, medical Clouds Posted at 2011-03-02 14:43
    lifestyle changes, can be used as preventive or In fact, the drugs is not so terrible. For most of the legal production of antihypertensive drugs, the side effects are very weak or no. Just what kind of drugs we need and how to use drugs, requires a doctor's guidance, not to see health programs or ads to be able to open his own prescription.

    If the egg (below) Filed under: health, biological science squirrels will be published in 2011-03-01 07:04 There are bloodshot
    eggs you eat it? If black spot is how the case? Why egg yolk when eating often choke? Why can the central Sudan red egg yolk, egg white but not change it? To answer your egg-related issues.

    Great summary of popular methods increased Filed under: health, medical Xiao Ji Posted 2011-02-25 15:16
    Although modern medicine and common sense tells us that, after puberty, is impossible to think of tall, can someone like that a few centimeters long. Thus, some known to make adults grow taller and then this came into being a variety of methods, such as But these so-called

    Filed under: health, medical Clouds Posted at 2011-02-24 06:36
    In fact, the There are a lot of collagen hydroxyproline, and do not contain milk protein; milk protein has a certain amount of tryptophan, which do not contain collagen. And by detecting total protein content of these amino acids, can know how many milk protein, the number of collagen. But, these are not cheap to do it.

    soil pollution than theFiled under: health, environmental fields are not published on 2011-02-22 11:06 wild
    China's In fact, in

    can not be ignored,Filed under: health, medical Clouds Posted at 2011-02-22 07:03
    ways depending on the amount of intake, cadmium have different effects on health. By rice and other food intake, and a This is mainly harm the kidneys and bones. Currently, WHO safety standards on cadmium toxicity to the kidneys is based on the establishment, the upper limit of 7 mg per kg body weight per week. This is equivalent to a 60 kg person, per day does not exceed 60 micrograms.

    fatal rat urine and Coke cans? Filed under: health, medicine, biology Ent Posted at 2011-02-20 09:11
    Coke cans carefully! above may allow you to rat urine and fatal leptospirosis infection! - It is hard to frighten the rumors. But the fact is that the causative agent of leptospirosis, the survival time in the water environment, only a few minutes. And even if really infected, only 1% mortality rate - you know, even the death rate of influenza has 0.1%.

    premature ejaculation • masturbation • sexual techniques Filed under: Health, Medicine Liqing Chen Posted at 2011-02-14 07:19
    not directly related to masturbation with premature ejaculation. As for premature ejaculation, time is not the ultimate goal, the ultimate aim of the couple's pleasure. Do not be misled by the Yellow Book and A sheet, that is the only master a long time. ... ... These things are supposed to be common sense, and not well in China's propaganda, so good, Valentine's Day in 2011, we may repeat that again.

    Filed under: health Clouds Posted at 2011-02-13 10:04
    From existing information, the various drop of fragrant Maillard reaction in food chemistry is a fundamental reaction of raw materials is the amino acid and reducing sugar, high temperature reaction conditions. Generate very complex product, raw materials, temperature, moisture and other subtle changes, will result in different products.

    disulfiram-like reaction - the dangers of drug and alcohol duet Filed under: Health, Medicine window knock Posted at 2011-02-12 10:12 rain
    microblogging circulating a young life due to taking antibiotics drinking alcohol during the serious adverse reactions caused by the death of heart failure. No doubt such a thing people feel sorrow and regret, at the same time, it has also exposed a easy to overlook the security risks of a medication - disulfiram-like reaction.

    [small Porco Rosso] mind martial arts room: meditation really work? Filed under: health, small small Porco Rosso Porco Rosso Posted at 2011-02-09 13:24 squad
    meditation legend reborn to make your mind, soul revival. But to see how this science?

    37 Comments »Page 1 of 21123456789» 1020 ... Last » Back to the top of the forum entry>> Log in Chiba, one hundred voices of color both selected 2010 popularity of the 50 squirrels will be awarded book Science Control more notice

    machine 111 ->
    Smart is new sexy. Smart is a new sexy. So, I have one: Sweet is old sexy. Sweet is old-fashioned sexy. In Watson's initial struggle with the human, he successfully demonstrated the above two points. He with his superior wisdom Jijingsizuo on, he pressed his sexy voice Yan warlords. From the last century science fiction began, people began to plant peach and black filled with countless fantasy side of the hope that they like people with emotion, while secretly in fear of one day they will be enemies. But until today, these two have not been achieved. Watson will not be very calm and quiet feel sexy, there is no intention to attract someone (robots), while the blue will not field a winning or losing chess so seriously, but do not feel a very great headlines. David in AI in the little boy holding stuffed bear waiting for true love by her mother. Andrew Butler fell in love with the machine owner's daughter after the implementation of their long and cruel and wonderful change, the achievements of the machine industry best mermaid story. The Viking is still a fool to take care of the field ratio, holding the stool is still running around Ala Lei, Ganaiganhen Optimus Prime also told us to come back every year to go to the cinema to see him fight, Marvin was a look of depression had , WallE is also against the night sky Eva apple production frequently discharge. I also passed the Turing Test, But why am I not happy? - The machine Is it possible to think like humans? They will not know how sexy? They will not worry about tomorrow? They will not with human enemies? Will they find the meaning of life stonewalls? Asimov's three laws grandfather invented so tiresome, they will not think in the end why should I follow? March 5, China Science and Technology Hall, our sexy selection of Watson's performance in Jeopardy, plus Syfy Taiwan produced Research Associate, Department of Automation, Tsinghua University, Peking University sociologist Zhao Mingguo teachers and also Zheng Fu teacher. For science and technology and human re-ignite the fierce collision of a small spark iron, but also to start issuing CPU cold throbbing hot moment. ------------------】 【Event Information Time: March 5 14:00-17:00 (admission 13:00) Venue: China Science and Technology Hall B309 studio Hall [3 Fuxing Road, Xicheng District] Transport: Metro Line 1 Muxidi Northwest is the number of exports: over 240 people applied! Guest lineup】 【Zhaoming Guo Zheng, Tsinghua University Associate Professor of Sociology Department of Peking University, Cardiff also IBM Watson founder of the guide by: China Association for Science sponsored by Ministry of science: China Internet Society Alliance network science, science squirrels will, the Beijing Association for Digital science
    [Da Vinci walking Squadron 12] Zhejiang Science and Technology Museum (entry is full, the next time you get on early) 111 ->
    state friends how are you? Lei Feng provinces this week, walking Squadron. . . Squirrels will not thank you, thanks to enthusiastic students and Xu Science and Technology Museum, an invitation to us last year. Taking advantage of the spring, went into the Science and Technology Museum to see strange and interesting stuff!
    [Dr.YOU No. 79] Why rip the soap? Porco Rosso 2011.02.18 grab a small draft (draft rules, please be sure to grab attention) Fun with the girl to Tsai more recent activities
    latest project Topics: rare diseases 111 ->
    3 1st is an extraordinary day. Yes ah,insanity dvd, in addition to a year 1 / 6, the day officially say goodbye to you, car tail number 4 and 9 points to be wronged, what else can make people remember this days? It is actually another identity - February 29, International Day rare diseases.
    topics: Film Summer File 111 ->
    still remember the burden, the old grandmother jumped into the lake to continue walking, all successfully reached the other side, the old grandmother left seriously injured because of corrosion. This save the tears of the plot, will lay it happens in reality it? In this regard, Topaz, air fault,nhl hockey, not wild field (in alphabetical order) gives a comprehensive view: Even conservative said, it is not possible. In general,mac makeup, metal corrosion prevention measures on board there will be, and can corrode the hull, to achieve relatively strong acid, which requires a certain concentration of sulfur to form sulfuric acid gas, and for the environment. The film is able to meet these conditions context, open to question. In addition, even if the solution is acidic enough to corrode the hull, would not be so quickly. If you have moved over to this plot, then, please look forward to the last day of the topic, the squirrel will be launched special programs, listen to them through their respective professional explanation - some time, and Xing Lida dinosaurs of people have had such a conversation: YY: From the professional point of view, the film is not that out? Xing Lida: Even from semi-professional point of view, the film is also the out. The movie is Admittedly, most of us, knowledge of dinosaur paleontology that, in fact, from this large commercial properties, but also as an important role in its enlightenment, which is full of details of a large number of errors: for example, the movie ,vibram five fingers, that would spray the venom of a small dinosaur called As another example, the film does not appear in most of the dinosaurs of the Jurassic, but the end of the Cretaceous: the movie Cretaceous. In the film, really emerged and flourished in the Jurassic, and only a long neck that herbivorous dinosaur Diplodocus ... ... This summer, the squirrels have made a new attempt will be handed to the stripping claws nuts like the movie people, have had to share the questions discussed: the Star Wars lightsaber, you can have it? 20,000 to balloon around the house enough to take you fly it? Costume film, drawing the venom can really heal, and implementation of help might it not be poisoned? ... ... Really? Fake? Hard to say? ... How to say ... listen to squirrels. Last days of summer vacation, please turn the water to find these movies have heart, come and join us to see the second eye. - By Yang Yang project planning / implementation: Yang Yang (Science squirrels will feature editors) Jordan (】 1, Albert Jiao Light would be 2, the Clouds 3, Shuilong Yin common plot - the story of a bullet, it? 5, Mu right 6, riset 7, Mammoth, it? 8, Mammoth 9, Shuilong Yin But we have to discuss a topic not very romantic, that is, is it possible? 10, Mammoth, 11, Clouds [...]
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